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March, 2009


March 2009 Newsletter


Bob Ellis (rellis@usma1954.org) reports:

It is rare for me to lead off my newsletter, but so be it. We are finally settled in our new home in Loudon, TN.  It took some doing, but it is now in the past. We are still unpacking and reorganizing. This place (Tellico Village) is the most amazing place you could imagine. I will be assuming my new duties as Class Scribe with the next issue of Assembly and will try to uphold the high standards set by Chet over the years. My email address is above, my snail mail is: 177 Depew Drive, Loudon, TN 37774, phone: 865-657-9828. Keep in touch.




Harry Emrick (hwemricks@aol.com) reports:

Attached is a picture from Harry and Barb Emrick (F-2) at the 2009 Sedona Marathon in February. Harry placed 1st in the 5K over 70 category. They own 3 weeks at the HYATT Pinon Point in Sedona, AZ and enjoy it there as well as golf, exercise and retirement living in Sun City Summerlin Las Vegas. Mayor Rob Adams presented the Medal. They are ready for the 55th!


Cheers, Harry



Bill Epling (bill@eplingwy.com) reports:

Classmates, widows, and friends of ‘54

The ’54 website (http://www.usma1954.org/) has much of interest for all. If after opening the ’54 website you right click in any open space you can create a shortcut on the desktop of your computer. This makes it easy to return regularly. Full details for the upcoming reunion are in the “55th Reunion” pages – included are those who have registered to attend  (http://www.usma1954.org/Reunion/ReunionAttendees.htm).




Bob Fromm (BobF2101@aol.com)reports:

Just a short note: Nancy and I attended the Las Vegas Society Founder's Day Dinner, yesterday. No other members of the Class were present. The oldest grad present was from the Class of '37! At 96 years young, he is surprisingly "up to speed" and gave some excellent thoughts on "Duty, Honor, Country" as they apply to day to day living.


Nancy and I are looking for a summer home in Washington. This is turning out to be a real effort to find exactly what we want. Not too many places with views of both the sea and mountains. Unfortunately, Nancy managed to break a bone in her foot, so she is in a "boot" and will have to wear that device to our 55th reunion.


Bob Fromm


Jack Galvin (johngalvin@comcast.net) reports:

Ginny and I are completely retired as of this year, and we are close to the center of gravity of the family. We gather every Sunday (feed them and they will come), and we have a backyard dock on a little lake in a pine woods, with a pontoon boat, a canoe, and a paddle boat, along with other lures to keep the young ones coming, such as a basketball hoop in the driveway and a ping pong room under the back porch. For dessert we feature badminton, fishing, and water gun fights. Most of what we do is just hanging out and talking. 


All best, Jack


Bucky Harris (CruzBlanca@aol.com) reports:

Here it is 2 Mar 09 in Alexandria, Virginia, and 5" of snow overnight. Got out of the shower, looked out the window and saw that Erna had already shoveled the sidewalk and cleared off a car. Takes "ironclad discipline" to train 'em right!  


Daughter Stefanie and family (2 boys) are now at Texas A&M...she's a professor in German studies and Apostolos is in the English and Philosophy Departments. After teaching at Northwestern it was a cultural shock measured on the Richter Scale to go from Chicago to College Station. Erna and I flew down for Thanksgiving but because of experience with airport security lines, canceled flights, being herded like cattle etc., we drove down for Christmas. 


Son Christopher is now a Director with Credit Suisse in Zurich. His children, girl 11, boy 8, and girl 6, started ski school at age 3, and go one week every year, and now all three go up the adult lifts!  (Do any of you guys remember the "rope tow" out at the golf course? Primitive! The only instruction given was "Mister, aim downhill and if'n you're going too fast...SIT DOWN".)


Erna fell and broke her ankle in September...two metal plates inserted ...one side with 6 screws and the other side with 4 screws. I cooked all meals for 8!!! weeks.....and very well too.


Looking forward to the 55th in April.


Bucky Harris, G-2 


Jim Hays (JamesEHays@aol.com) reports:

2008 was a memorable year for the Hays family. In celebration of Lee's and our children's Italian heritage, and my 80th birthday, we met all of our children and grandchildren in Rome the end of June for a two week cruise around Italy, with wonderful ports of call. We then spent four great but warm days in Rome. We found out after we got back that although twenty of us started the trip, twenty-one returned! Granddaughter Sarah, she and recently returned from Iraq Army husband Mike are expecting their first child in April. Our first great-grandchild!

For all of us it was the trip of a lifetime. For many, it was a first trip to Europe and exposure to historic cities and sights. Since our family is spread from Virginia to Michigan to Nevada to California, it was the first time we have seen all of our expanding family in one place at one time. And for several of the younger ones, it was the first time they got to meet and know each other.

In September, we attended grandson Jon’s marriage to Jennifer. It was a beautifully planned wedding, held on a hilltop in one of Malibu, California's canyons, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. On the way back, we visited with Kathy and Todd in Nevada for a few days.

We are now in Florida, fortunate to be in warmer weather and escape the cold winter in Michigan. We are looking forward to seeing many friends at our reunion in April.


Dick Hobbs (ColDoc@worldnet.att.net) reports:

The main news on my front is my new book - WORLD WAR IV AND BEYOND Islam fascism, the Third Jihad, and other threats to the USA. (ISBN 978-0-9647788-5-6, 7 x 10 x 1+, 476 pages [125 pages of Notes], index, softcover, $29.95) [The Cold War was World War III.]


The cover, Contents, Preface, About the Author, and two News Releases plus Chapter 1 and some comments on the book can be seen on my web site. I am using Print on Demand with Create Space, an Amazon.com company, and it is available from me at ColDoc Publishing.  The book is also available on amazon.com.  It is a Wake Up Call for America for the serious threats to our future.


Jack Logan is the President of the Westmoreland Chapter of the Association of the US Army here and doing a great job. We have one other classmate here, Elliott Gritton, and we get together at the AUSA dinners and the Founder’s Day Dinner.

We are limping along but still here!


All the best. Dick


Frank Hart (FrankHart9@aol.com) reports:

For the fourth year, Betty and I have been wintering at our second home in San Antonio, Texas, and will return to Arlington, Virginia, at the end of March so that we can make the drive to West Point for the 55th Reunion. Life in San Antonio has been fun. I golf regularly with Craig Spence and John Gilboux. Betty enjoys the '54 Wives support group. They have lunches on a monthly basis and provide support to each other. Our youngest son David, USMA '90, returned from Iraq 18 months ago to the Joint Staff in the Pentagon and has just learned he will have another year there. That makes us very happy since he lives only five minutes from us. John, our oldest son, an executive with Marriott, lives ten minutes away. Hence, it's quite a family gathering when we return to Virginia.


Best wishes, Frank


Bob Ironside (rironside@sbcglobal.net) reports:

I dropped Chet a short note saying that each time I read his column my mind would drift back to Saigon where he and his firmly grasped swagger stick would attend Sunday Mass with General Abrams, me, and a couple of hundred of other uniform clad people. It's strange as you age what may trigger things of the past. We'll see what you trigger after a couple of issues.


Best wishes and Grip Hands. Bob I. 


Dion Johnson (dion.johnson1@comcast.net ) reports:

Life charges ahead. Jenny had a five week Fulbright contract to Turkey last Spring to help them advance their very successful educational technology/distance education program. I went along to change money and carry suitcases. It was really nice being on the friendly side of the Turks. They are a super people. I am busy trying to become the accountant for a very small construction company. Anybody out there making sense out of QuickBooks? I have gained great respect for accountants. Hopefully, one of these days, we will get to build something bigger than an outhouse.

Regards to all, Dion Johnson

Jack Krause (jkrause54@msn.com) reports:

The following article should be of interest to all of us. Check out the following web site:



Jack Porter (jporter@usma1954.org ) reports:

Memorial Articles (MAs) have been completed or are nearing completion for approximately 130 of our 224 deceased classmates. Company losses range from 5 to 14, while company completed MAs vary from 1 to 14. Although several companies have done very well, a few have not made much progress. Classmates for whom MAs are yet needed are listed at: http://www.usma1954.org/Memorial/MAsNeeded.htm.


Less than 20% of those of us who might yet assemble our own MA data and forward it to the AOG for inclusion in our Cullum file have done so. Simplified guidelines for that easy activity are at: http://www.usma1954.org/Memorial/SimplifiedGuideForRecordingMAData070208.pdf.


There is time yet to make further progress prior to our upcoming Reunion. Please contact me with your questions.


Jack Porter jporter@usma1954.org


Jack Sulik (jsulik2000@yahoo.com) reports:

My two top retirement activities, golf and gambling, have merged in a unique way.  My home casino, the Mohegan Sun in Montville, CT has purchased a golf course!  Now Dotty and I enjoy complementary golf all summer.


If any classmate is passing through eastern Connecticut, please give me a call and I would be pleased to treat you to a meal at either the Mohegan Sun or Foxwoods casinos. Phone 781-279-1432    


Jack Sulik


Tiny Tomsen (tinytomsen@sbcglobal.net ) reports:

Erik Tomsen (see picture below) will graduate from West Point in May and be commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the US Army Corps of Engineers. A few items of interest about Erik:

His academic class standing is #25 in a class of 1003.

  Captain of the West Point Cross Country Ski Team. The team will be competing against the Air Force Academy and several other college teams at Winter Park, Colorado, the first week of May.

  Erik is also a marathon runner, most recently he ran the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington, DC. (October)

  His avocations include stamp collecting (while in HS he was the Vice Pres of the US National Junior Philatelic Society), hunting and fishing, backpacking, and other outdoor activities. He has hunted and taken several large game animals including a Grizzly.

  Erik was selected by Rotary International to receive one of their prestigious scholarships. He will attend the National University of New Zealand in Auckland where he will study for a Master's Degree in Geographic Information Systems.

  He is 6' 4" and weighs 210 lbs

Erik's father, my son Chris Tomsen, attended West Point during the period I was the DDE at the Tulsa District (1973-76). Chris graduated from West in 1977 and served his military career in the US Army Signal Corps. Upon retirement the family made their home in Eagle River, Alaska which is near Anchorage. Erik attended nearby Chugiak, Alaska high school before attending West Point. Erik has an older sister, Jan, who obtained her BS from Univ. of Alaska, Fairbanks, and will complete her Master's Degree in Education this summer.

Erik has a proud Granddad who is delighted his grandson has elected to be commissioned in the Corps of Engineers.


As part of our 55th Reunion, we will celebrate Hannibal's Fifth Birthday at the site of the monument directly across from the Visitor's Center starting at about 1330 hours on Sat, 25 April. Mayor Joe D'Onofrio of Highland Falls and  community historian Stella Bailey have been working hard and long getting all in readiness. We hope to have Hannibal all cleaned, polished, and ready to be honored on this occasion. Everyone from the Class of 1954 is invited and welcome. We expect our two surviving Mule Riders, Jan LeCroy and George Perrin, will both be there and give us a demonstration of adept "mulemanship" aboard one of the current Army Mules.  Steve Townes, Mule Rider from Class of '75, owner of Ranger Aerospace and a major donor to the Academy will be in attendance; also we hope to have COL (Ret) Walter Price, Class of '49, the Mule Rider who trained Hannibal, to be there. It will be a Grand Event, don't miss it! Mule Cookies and Mule Punch will be served!


WC "Tiny" Tomsen

Buck Weafer (Weafers@AOL.COM) reports:

For those of you who labored through CGSC at Fort Leavenworth in your younger days, you might be interested to know that Bell Hall is now a pile of rubble. Its replacement, the new Lewis and Clark Center, called the finest learning center in the country, has 96 identical, interchangeable, and fully integrated classrooms, complete with videoconferencing capabilities and large plasma screens. Each room has its own thermostat (unlike Bell Hall) and each desk has a pop-up computer screen. Marshall (the small sleeping room) and Eisenhower auditoriums are larger and well equipped. Each seat in Marshall has its own microphone. Eisenhower can now handle a Broadway production.


In the middle of all this sits "young" son, Colonel Tom, firmly ensconced in an elegant suite of offices, as the Assistant Deputy Commandant, now in his 32 year of service. He'll retire in September but the pay scale for retirees now goes out to 40 years.


Marie and I are both well here in Leavenworth and looking forward to seeing all at the reunion. 






  May 2, 2009  

(Photo Album)


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Page monitor:  Bill Epling