
Exec. Cmte. & POCs

60th Reunion
Photo Album

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'54 Deaths

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Lost Classmates & Widows
'54 Gifts & Finances |
Number |
Gift |
Amount |
1 |
Parade Reviewing
Stand (1984) |
$254,000 |
2 |
Lucas Preparatory Scholarship (1989) |
$25,000 |
3 |
Advanced Technology
Classroom (ATC) (1994) |
$90,000 |
4 |
Endowment ATC (1996) |
$190,000 |
5 |
Lucas Military Heritage Center (MH) (2004) |
$2,180,000 |
6 |
Lucas MHC
Endowment (2009) |
$200,000 |
'54 Grand Total: |
$2,939,000 |
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Gift, Reviewing Stand on the Plain
for seating dignitaries and guests at
parades and reviews. This gift was presented in 1984 at the
30th Reunion.

Plaque on Rear of Reviewing Box

Front View of Reviewing Box
Gift, Andre C. Lucas Scholarship
This gift, made at the 35th Reunion in 1989,
established a scholarship named for our
classmate Andre C. Lucas. The scholarship
allows one prospective cadet to attend a
junior college or prep school for one year
in preparation for entering West Point. |
3rd and 4th Gifts, High Technology
Classroom and Endowment
The class presented the High Technology
Classroom to the Academy in 1994. It
is used as an academic laboratory to test
new technologies and equipment before
introducing them to the entire Corps. The
High Technology Classroom is incorporated
into the academy’s Center for Teaching
Excellence. The Class donated $90,000.00 for
this gift. An additional $190,000 was given
as an endowment to provide technology
upgrades to the classroom.The
pictures below were taken at out 55th

& 6th Gifts, Lucas Military
Heritage Center and Endowment
The Lucas MHC
includes an outside entrance, a corridor
leading to an anteroom, and a large
classroom and display area in West Point’s
Olmsted Museum located on South Post
adjacent to the Visitors’ Center. The room
can be used as an academic classroom with
state-of-the art audio-visual equipment with
high-speed data/video links to the world.
It also provides museum display areas and
facilities for conducting seminars and briefings. The
entrance area to the Lucas Center contains a
large patio with two granite benches and a
granite monument on which are etched the
names of 14 members of the Class of 1954 who
gave their lives in combat for our country. The center is named for Andre C. Lucas. His
name and a plaque describing the action for
which he was awarded the Medal of Honor are
part of the display at the entrance. The
class donated $2,250,000.00 for this gift.
The gift was formally presented to the
Academy on May 10, 2006.The
class also donated $200,000 for an endowment to
provide for continued maintenance and
upgrade of the center. |