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'54 Class Notes

Exec. Cmte. Mtg.


Minutes, Executive Committee Meeting, AAFMAA HQ, Ft. Myer, VA,       11 a.m., June 27, 2014


Executive Committee Members Present or Participating by Teleconference: Louis C. Wagner Jr., James F. Obendorfer, Dion Johnson,  William Y. Epling, John G. Porter, Dale A. Vesser, William J. Almon, Charles A. Debelius, Victor J. Hugo, James A. Williams, Howard M. Gabbert and James E. Dalton. 


Executive Committee Members Absent: Douglas B. Stuart, Robert J. Ellis and Rose M. Malone.


Visitors Participating: Frank A. Hart and John T. Miller.


Meeting was called to order by Past Class Vice President Frank A. Hart.


    1. Election of Executive Committee members to Class President and Vice  President positions:


    Louis C. (Lou) Wagner, Jr. was nominated and elected Class President for a five year term and assumed chair of the meeting.


    James F. (Jim) Obendorfer was nominated and elected Class Vice President for a five year term.


2.  2. Board Management: Lou emphasized his method of management of the Executive Board was not to do most of the work himself. He will delegate freely among members of the Executive Committee and other members of the class, as appropriate.


3. 3. Reunion Planning (62, 63, 65): Lou will send a letter to the class proposing reunion options and requesting feedback. He will discuss when to start planning for the 65th reunion with the AOG when he goes to West Point in August. He called for a volunteer to start with planning of the program when it is appropriate. Bill Epling commented on the difficulties of early planning. Frank Hart suggested that Vince McDermott would be the best initial contact in the AOG for reunion planning.


4. 4. Local Class Luncheons: Jim Obendorfer will provide information about the program and schedule for the President. Chuck Debelius and others suggested a day other than Friday for the luncheons. Wednesday was discussed as easier to travel, less congestion in the dining room, and not a problem day for most classmates.


5. 5. Class Archives/Records, Class History (Should We Develop One/Purpose): It was reported that there are several boxes of material that should be reviewed for historical relevance and more attention should be given to a historical records program for the class. There was some discussion as to whether this should be the responsibility of the Class Scribe or the Class Secretary. It was agreed the Class Secretary should be responsible. Dion agreed to take charge of this program and Vic Hugo volunteered to assist. The first order of business will be to define what a class history might consist of and how to go about accomplishing this. A proposal for this will be provided to a meeting of the Executive Committee in the near future.


6. 6. ’54 Website: Bill Epling expressed serious concern there is not enough effort going into keeping the Class website current. If the site is not going to be maintained, it should be closed down. All agreed the web site is important and should be kept up to date.


7. 7. West Point Cemetery Problem: It was reported by the cemetery director at West Point that metal plates had been placed on tomb stones of some classmates in the cemetery. Lou will investigate this issue, as this is against rules in all national cemeteries.


8. 8. AOG MA Program:  Jack Porter reported that while we have been doing well with the Memorial Articles, the need to complete more articles is

    increasing. We should all submit information on our lives in the AOG format.


9. 9. ’54 AOG Financial Support: Bill Epling reported that the AOG has had to curb spending in a number of areas and our class has never had a program to help the AOG meet its financial needs. Frank Hart volunteered to head a program to address this need. Jim Williams proposed that we form an executive committee to research AOG needs and alternatives to provide funds for AOG support. Lou appointed a committee of Frank Hart, Dale Vesser and Vic Hugo to accomplish this and provide recommendations to the Executive Committee.


10.  10. 2014 AOG Alumni Leaders Conference: Lou Wagner will attend. If you have items to discuss, submit them to him at louwag@aol.com.


11.  11. Other Business: Lou will check with the AOG on its responsibility for producing class rosters for reunions and other occasions.


Adjourned 12:10 p.m.

Dion Johnson




Last updated: August 10, 2014                          

Page monitor: Bill Epling