The 2011 Reunion Registration Package was mailed
to all members of the class family on January
10, 2011. The package includes:
These items are copied below.
Welcome Letter
57th Reunion
West Point Class of 1954
April 28-May 1, 2011
San Antonio, Texas |
Dear Classmates, Wives, Widows, Family Members
and Friends: This package provides information
and registration requirements for the Class
Reunion at San Antonio, Texas, April 28-May 1,
2011. The package is being mailed to all
classmates, widows and friends of the class. It
will also be sent by email and is available at (the Class website).
It contains the Registration Form you need to
submit with your payment by March 12, 2011.
Finally, if you have not already made your
reservation at the Menger Hotel, call them at
1-800-345-9285. Inform the Reservation
Specialist that you are attending the West Point
Class of 1954 Reunion, booking #60601558. Please
note that the negotiated rate of $120.00 per day
applies as well to three days before and after
the Reunion period.
This reunion differs from previous reunions more
than the fact that it is not at West Point.
Because of the number and varied natures of the
attractions in San Antonio, we offer you choices
during the daytime activities. One of the
choices is “self-tours.” The Menger-Alamo
location is served by both a trolley car line
and a street car line. You can examine the San
Antonio material which you will receive at
Registration and then use either the street car
or trolley car system to visit historic sites
for greater lengths of time than the tours may
provide. We recommend that you register for the
Tour of Historic San Antonio which is offered
both Friday morning and Friday afternoon. It
provides a great introduction to the historic
sites of San Antonio.
Accompanying this letter are: 1) Reunion
Registration Form, 2) Reunion Schedule, and 3)
Description of Reunion Activities. After
reviewing this material, please complete the
Registration Form and mail it with your check by
March 12th to Frank Hart, P. O. Box
34477, San Antonio, 78265.
If you have questions, contact one of the
Frank Hart
Eddice Jessee
Jack Charles
John Lohman
George McMillan
Joe Peisinger
Lee Gilbreth
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 (Early Arrival Day)
1pm-6pm: Registration, Menger Lobby for early
Dinner on your own
Thursday, April 28, 2011 (Arrival Date for
Regular Attendees)
6:30am: Dining Room opens for breakfast
8:30am: Golfers depart for Fort Sam Houston golf
9am: Fredericksburg Tour (early arrival option)
depart Menger
8am-6pm: Registration, Menger Lobby for regular
6pm-7pm: Cocktails, Menger Patio (outside
7pm-9pm: Buffet, Ballroom (includes briefing. on
Reunion Activities)
Friday, April 29, 2010
6:30am: Dining Room opens for breakfast
Option 1: 8am-12:45pm, Parade, Tour, briefings
& lunch, Lackland AFB
Option 2: 9am-12n, Tour of Historic San Antonio
(lunch on own after tour)
Option 1: 2pm-5pm, Tour of Historic San Antonio
Option 2: Self-Tours
6:15pm: Shuttle busses begin departing Menger
for Buckhorn Saloon and Museum
6:30pm-10pm: Cocktails & Buffet Dinner at
Buckhorn Saloon and Museum
Saturday, April 30, 2010
6:00-7:30am: Continental breakfast, Menger
6:30am: Menger Dining Room opens for full
7:30-8am: Move to Alamo
8am-8:45am: Memorial Service at Alamo Memorial
9am: Tour of Alamo (approximately one hour)
Option 1: Attend Alamo Miramax film at 10am or
hourly thereafter (Rivercenter Mall next to the
Menger & across street from the Alamo)
Option 2: Tour of San Antonio museums & lunch;
departing Menger at 11am
Option 3: Self-Tours
Lunch on your own except Option 2 (Museum Tour)
6:30pm: Cocktails outside Menger Ballroom
7:30pm: Dinner, Menger Ballroom
Sunday, May 1, 2011
6:30am: Menger Dining room opens for breakfast
(special Sunday buffet breakfast begins at 9am)
Departures on individual schedule
General Information:
We suggest you do not need a car during the
Reunion. Parking at the Menger Hotel is
$25.00 a day. Parking lots near the hotel
offer parking at $8 to $10 a day.
Uniform of the Day: Daytime dress is
casual. Thursday night & Friday night dress
is casual. We recommend coat & tie for the
final dinner Saturday night at the Menger
Weather: The last week of April is usually a
period of very pleasant weather in San
Antonio. Hot weather is just beginning to
arrive. Normally highs are in the low 80s
and evenings reach down into the low 60s.
Restaurants can tend to be over
air-conditioned which mean that a long
sleeve blouse or sweater is appropriate for
the ladies. At the most, men should consider
a light jacket if they are outside in the
Hospitality Suite: A class hospitality suite
will be open most of the time during the
reunion. This will be one of the places to
get additional information as well as to
kibitz with friends. Location & times will
be posted in the lobby of the hotel.
Complete the Registration Form & mail it
with your check by March 12th to
Frank Hart, P.O. Box 34477, San Antonio, TX
78265. Check should be made out to “USMA
Class of 1954 Fund.”
Description of
Reunion Activities
1. Thursday, 4/28/11. Golf for early attendees.
Tee times around 10am, Fort Sam Houston Golf
Course. San Antonio classmates will transport
golfers to the course, departing Menger Hotel at
8:30am. Golfers should arrive at the course
before 9am to ensure plenty of time to check in,
rent clubs if necessary, hit a bucket of balls &
practice putting. Golfers should return to the
hotel around 4pm. Course fees, including cart,
are $32. Rental clubs cost $5. Craig Spence is
organizing this activity.
2. Thursday, 4/28/11. Tour of Historic
Fredericksburg for early attendees. This tour takes you along scenic
Hill Country back roads to the charming German
community of Fredericksburg, once the edge of
the frontier & home to brave German pioneers.
You will have the opportunity to enjoy shopping
& browsing in the quaint antique shops & gift
boutiques along Main Street. There will be time
to explore the expanded Pacific War/Admiral
Nimitz Museum & Historic Center as well as the
Veterans Walk of Honor & the Japanese Garden of
Peace. Lunch is on your own at one of the many
fine restaurants in Fredericksburg. After lunch,
the tour will continue with a visit to the LBJ
Ranch located on the Perdernales River. Here,
you will visit the Texas “White House” & hear
tall tales of one of Texas’s favorite sons,
Lyndon Baines Johnson & former First Lady, Lady
Bird Johnson. The tour departs the Menger Hotel
at 9am & returns at 4:30pm. Examine pictures of
Fredericksburg at the Fredericksburg tour
location on the 2011 Reunion portion of the
Class Website.
3. Thursday, 4/28/11.
Welcome cocktails & buffet at the Menger
Hotel Ballroom. Cocktails outside the
Ballroom from 6pm-7pm. From 7-9pm, the class
will enjoy a mini-Fiesta buffet featuring
Grilled Chicken & Beef Fajitas in the Ballroom.
We will have a short presentation on the Reunion
Schedule around 7:30pm. Cash Bar.
4. Friday, 4/29/11. Lackland AFB Activities.
Friday morning will recognize our Air Force
Classmates at Lackland AFB. All
classmates & guests are encouraged to take
part. Busses will depart the hotel about 8:00am
& arrive at the Lackland Parade Ground by
8:40. We will be special guests for the Basic
Trainee Graduation Parade - a stirring ceremony
- & be seated in the VIP reviewing stands. Two
members of the class will act as reviewing
officials. After the ceremonies are completed -
around 10:00 - we will be bussed to the Basic
Military Training area for tours of the barracks
& other training facilities. We will then have
lunch with basic trainees & Military Training
Instructors giving us an opportunity to engage
in discussions with some of America's
finest young men & women. We will depart
Lackland no later than 12:15pm so that those who
wish to participate in afternoon city tours will
be able to do so.
5. Friday, 4/29/11. Tour of Historic San
This tour will be given twice on Friday, first
at 9am to noon & then again from 2pm to 5pm. The
tour includes stops at several historic sites
including El Mercado (the historic Marketplace).
Additionally, you will pass & hear about the
Tower of the Americas, San Fernando Cathedral,
The Spanish Governor’s House, La Villita,
Hemisfair Park, & the Institute of Texas
Culture. The fare includes a $7.00 value “Hopper
Pass” which enables you to ride the Grand
Trolley anytime during the two day period so
that you can visit one of the locations that you
saw but did not visit during the tour. The
trolleys depart from the Menger every 30 to 45
6. Friday, 4/29/11. Self-Tours.
This option is available both in the morning &
the afternoon. It recognizes the various
historic attractions of San Antonio & the
desires of some people to spend more time at a
particular location or to be more leisurely in
their sightseeing. The Menger Hotel is a stop
for both the Via Street Car Line & the Grand
Trolley line. For less than a dollar you can hop
on the Via Street Car Line & within a few
minutes reach most of the historic sites in
downtown San Antonio. You will be provided a
brochure displaying Via’s five Street Car routes
& the locations of all the major downtown sites.
If you take the Highlights of San Antonio Tour,
you will be provided a trolley pass good for two
days that will enable you to use that line to
reach most of the historic sites. The Menger
Hotel sits in the middle of San Antonio’s
interesting sites.
7. Friday, 4/29/11. Riverwalk.
Not listed as a separate activity is Riverwalk,
a river with paths on both sides that flows
twenty feet below street level through the
middle of historic San Antonio. The walk is one
of the most popular places in town as it is
lined with specialty shops & alfresco cafes.
Barges cruise the river at frequent intervals.
One of the entrances to River Walk is only a
block & a half from the Menger. On Friday
afternoon & Saturday afternoon, at frequent
intervals, the Registration team will lead
groups over to the entrance to Riverwalk. No
advance signups. Additionally, you may do
Riverwalk on your own as part of a self-tour.
8. Friday, 4/29/11. Cocktails &
Buffet Dinner at the Historic Buckhorn Saloon &
Museum. At about 6:15pm, shuttle busses
begin departing the Menger for the Buckhorn for
a fabulous western barbecue featuring both Slow
Smoked BBQ Beef Brisket & Mesquite Grilled
Chicken Breast. Seating will be initial Army
branch & Air Force basic pilot training base.
Cash Bar. Shuttle buses will begin returning to
the Menger at about 9:15pm & continue until
9. Saturday, 4/30/11. Breakfast.
A continental breakfast will be provided in the
Menger Ballroom beginning at 6am. It is part of
the registration fee. For those who prefer a
more substantial breakfast, the Menger Dining
room opens at 6:30am & offers a full breakfast.
Saturday, 4/30/11. Memorial Service at the
Alamo. At about 7:40am, we will ask
classmates to begin moving to the Alamo Memorial
Building for the Memorial Service which begins
at 8am. The service concludes at 8:45am. Inside
the Alamo Memorial Building, we have 125 chairs
for those who may it difficult to stand for
45-50 minutes. The remaining 200 will stand.
After the service, you will be offered an
opportunity to tour the Alamo. Alamo tours
usually take about an hour.
11. Saturday, 4/30/11. Alamo Film.
A Miramax film about the stand at the Alamo
begins across the street from the Alamo at 10am
& repeats hourly. This film was made for the
Alamo & is not the John Wayne movie.
12. Saturday, 4/30/11. Tour of San Antonio
This tour includes extended stops at the McNay
Museum of Art, & the San Antonio Museum of Art.
The McNay features works by famous artists such
as Picasso, Matisse, O’Keefe, & Cezanne. It is
housed in the home of a late oil heiress who
left her art collection, home & endowment for
the advancement & enjoyment of modern art. The
collection numbers more than 13,000 prints,
drawings & sculptures & is considered among the
finest in the Southwest. The expansive San
Antonio Museum of Art is housed in the buildings
of the former Lone Star Brewery & maintains its
factory feel with sky walks & glass elevators.
Collections include Egyptian, Greek & Roman
antiquities, Asian Art & 18th, 19th & 20th
century American work. Recently, the museum
opened the three story of Rockefeller Center for
Latin American Art, considered on of the
nation’s best collections of Latin art. The tour
also includes a stop at the beautiful Japanese
Sunken Gardens.
13. Saturday, 4/30/11. Self-Tours.
This is the opportunity to use either the
Trolley Hopper pass issued with the Highlights
of San Antonio tour or the Via Streetcar System
& travel to specific parts of historic San
Antonio you would like to visit. Easy to do.
Both systems stop at the Menger Hotel on a
frequent basis. This could also be a good time
to take the standard San Antonio Riverwalk
cruise (about 50 minutes) or take a River Taxi
to the new San Antonio River extension through
the locks to the San Antonio Art Museum (the
taxi ticket is good for 24 hours use on the
14. Saturday Evening, 4/30/11. Cocktails &
sit-down dinner at the Menger Hotel Ballroom.
Cocktails begin at 6:30pm & dinner begins at
7:30pm. Registration form offers a choice of 6
ounce Filet Mignon or Veal with Crab cake
15. Sunday, 5/1/11. Menger Hotel Dining Room
opens for breakfast at 6:30am. Breakfast & departures on your own
Registration Form
28-May 1, 2011
Please PRINT CAREFULLY, enter all
data, and return form with your check ASAP but
Not Later Than March 12, 2011
NAME: ________________________ Home
ADDRESS: _____________________ Cell
Phone: ________________________
______________________________ Email
Address: ______________________
Cadet Company:_________________
Date/Time Arrival: _______________
Staying: Menger ___Other (where)______
Wheel Chair Bound (How many) ______
Number in your party: ________________
How many in your party will not be able to stand
for 40 minutes (Memorial Svc) ______
Widow: Husband’s name and cadet company:
Please read the Reunion Schedule &
Description of Reunion Activities before
completing this form. Entries
required where there are underlined
areas (_____). |
Time |
Event |
Cost per person |
No of
persons |
Total Cost |
Thursday, April 28, 2011 |
12pm-6pm |
Registration (required for all
attendees) |
$50 |
_____ |
_____ |
6pm-9pm |
Cocktails & Buffet, Menger Hotel |
$36 |
_____ |
_____ |
Friday, April 29, 2011 |
8am-12:30pm |
Lackland AFB Activities |
Pay individually for lunch ($4.25) |
_____ |
N/A |
9am-12n |
Highlights of San Antonio Tour |
$42 |
_____ |
_____ |
2pm-5pm |
Highlights of San Antonio Tour |
$42 |
_____ |
_____ |
6:30pm-10pm |
Cocktails & Buffet Dinner Buckhorn
Saloon & Museum |
$50 |
_____ |
_____ |
Saturday, April 30, 2011 |
8am-9am |
Class Memorial Svc at Alamo |
None |
_____ |
N/A |
9am-10:30am |
Tour of Alamo & Film |
None |
N/A |
N/A |
11am-3pm |
Tour of San Antonio Museums & Lunch |
$47 |
_____ |
_____ |
6pm-10pm |
Cocktails & Dinner, Menger
Entrée Choice (insert no. for each
choice in 2nd column)
6 ounce
Veal w/crab cake
_____ |
_____ |
N/A |
_____ |
Self: (classmate or widow) ___________________
Wife/Friend: __________________
Guests: (include relationship to
Fee covers bus use, baseball caps for male
attendees, Name Badges, Brochures, Mailing,
Saturday morning continental breakfast, and
other costs.
The Reunion
Cost form does not reflect events which you
may choose as part of your self-tours. See
the Reunion Schedule and Description of
Reunion Activities for a more complete
description of the schedule and the choices
you have.
Seating. If you are an Army graduate, please
indicate your branch at graduation. For Air
Force graduate, please circle your primary
training base and enter your basic training
base. Seating Friday night will be by Army
branch and Air Force basic pilot training
base. Saturday night seating will be by
Cadet Company/Battalion.
Army branch at
First Duty Station after
training: (Germany, 82nd Abn Div,
etc) ______________
AF Primary Training Base
(circle): Bainbridge AB, GA: Bartow AB, FL:
Hondo AB, TX:, Mariana AB, AZ: Spence AB, GA:
Stallings AB, NC
AF basic pilot training
base: ________________________
We have organized a golf
outing and a tour of historic Fredericksburg for
those members of the class family who wish to
arrive a day early. The golf outing will take
place at the Fort Sam Houston golf club.
Classmates in the San Antonio area will drive
golfers to the club and golf with them. A
luncheon will be organized for the wives of the
out-of-town golfers. The Fredericksburg tour is
described in the Reunion Schedule Description
pages and will be conducted by one of the larger
San Antonio touring companies. If you wish to
attend one of the pre-reunion events, please
complete the form below. After we receive the
Registration Forms, we will email golf attendees
and Fredericksburg Tour attendees a list of all
who are participating in those activities.
Thursday, April 28, 2011 |
Time |
Event |
Cost per person |
No of persons |
Total Cost |
8:30am-4pm |
Golf at Fort Sam Houston
Need Rental Clubs yes____ no ____ |
Pay at Golf Course |
____ |
X |
9am-4:30pm |
Tour of Historic Fredericksburg |
$49 |
____ |
____ |
Reunion Events: ___________
Pre-Union Events: ___________
Grand Total:
Please enclose a check made out to “USMA Class
of 1954 Fund.”
_______________________________________________________________________________________ |